Voter trainers get electoral tips
Written by Millennium on September 24, 2020
THE training of District Voter Education Trainers (DVET) in North western province is underway under the auspices of the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ).
The Provincial voter education workshop is aimed at introducing participants to the voter education content, approach and methodology for voter registration.
North-western Provincial Local Government Officer (PLGO), Adrian Zulu, emphasised the need for enhanced voter education in all areas.
Mr Zulu called on trainers to prove that they were indeed voter education activists who would contribute in disseminating information within their spheres of influence.
He cited the Electoral Process Act No. 35 of 2016 which empowers the ECZ to make regulations providing for the registration of voters and voter education.
He said Voter education was an important programme aimed at mobilising citizens to participate in the electoral process in order to improve people’s voter education knowledge.
Mr Zulu stressed that the principle of non-partisanship and that political neutrality must be upheld at all times whether as trainer or voter education facilitator in the delivery of voter education.
He said the ECZ would undertake a robust national voter education programme to mobilise first time voters, youths, women, persons with disabilities and those who were currently registered, an exercise which could only succeed through concerted effort.
“Therefore, the training of the DVETs is significant in enhancing the quality and skills of officers carrying out various electoral assignments,” he said.
The ECZ is scheduled to conduct Voter Registration exercise from 28th October to 30th November 2020 and targets to approximately register 9 million eligible voters in this year’s registration.
And every Zambian aged 18 and above and in possession with a green national registration card, including all registered on the current register of voters will be required to register.