Four Gassers discharged
Written by Millennium on September 17, 2020
THE State has entered a Nolle Prosequi in a matter in which four men stood accused of being involved in the spate of gassing of members of the public that engulfed the country.
Goodson Muleya, 22, Denmark Siamapa 35, Bornface Munsaka 42 all from Pemba District and Christopher Hachikwela 44 from Choma stood charged with maliciously administering poison
with intent to harm contrary to section 231 of the penal code of Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.
It was alleged that the four jointly and whilst acting together with others unknown, unlawfully and with intent to injure or annoy Ernest Mukukwani administered poison or noxious gas to the said
Mukukwani thereby endangering his life or to cause grievous harm.
The alleged incident is said to have happened on 27th February 2020 in Choma district.
When the four appeared for mention before Court, Public Prosecutor Gerald Tembo presented the Nolle Certificate from the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions to have the four
After accepting the Nolle Prosequi entered by the State, Magistrate Muyambango Munukayumbwa explained to the four accused persons that a Nolle is not an acquittal and if the State decided
to take them to Court again, they can do it.