Loan Clerk admits drug trafficking
Written by Millennium on September 12, 2020
A loan Clerk of a named Financial Institution told the Choma Magistrates Court that the one ball of Marijuana he was
found with was for smoking.
In this matter 28 years old Joseph Banda pleaded guilty to trafficking in Psychotropic Substances contrary to the Laws of Zambia.
Particulars of the offence are that Banda on September 6 trafficked in 5.11grammes of Marijuana a herbal product of Cannabis
Sativa without lawful authority or medical recommendation.
When he appeared for plea before Senior Resident Magistrate Idah Mupemo, Banda without coercion admitted the charge
against him.
Court: Have you understood the charge against you?
Banda: Yes.
Court: How do you plead?
Banda: I admit
Court: Did you possess the Cannabis?
Banda: Yes, and the Officers got it.
Court: How much was it?
Banda: It was one ball.
Court: Did you have lawful authority?
Banda: No.
Court: What was your justification?
Banda: It was for smoking.
Court: That is not a lawful justification, i record a plea of guilty.
After recording a plea of guilty, the matter was adjourned to September 18, after Public Prosecutor Catherine Sakala made the
Banda was remanded in custody.