Jumbos target FRA maize

Written by on September 11, 2020


ELEPHANTS have continued to pose a threat at Food Reserve Agency (FRA) Kazungula main depot.
The wild animals were searching for food and usually mill around FRA Kazungula main depot, posing a threat to the grain and the people around the area.

FRA Executive Director, Chola Kafwabulula, said he was worried that many elephants that were in search of food would mill around the depot in the night.
He said the latest incident happened on Tuesday night this week when the wild animals destroyed part of the depot boundary wall.
“We know that since Livingstone is more or less like a national park animals have a right of way. But in working with the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW), they have told us that they can help us erect a special electric fence which can prevent elephants from getting here,” Mr Kafwabulula said.
He said FRA did not want to use an ordinary electric fence because it could end up killing the elephants.
He described the situation as a risk and that FRA management was givingpriority because there was a lot of maize at the depot.
“Our concern is that we may end up losing that maize if it is not shielded from the elephants. They come for maize and buffaloes come for grazing but it is something we are giving very serious attention.
“Staff working at the depot are not safe but as a temporary measure we normally buy them fire crackers to drive the elephants away. So they have been here from time Immemorial and if anything it is we human trespassing,” he said.

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