3 burnt to ashes

Written by on September 4, 2020

THREE people of the same family of Poto village in Shiwang’anduDistrict of Muchinga Province have been found burnt to death in a small grass thatched house.

Both Muchinga Province Police Commissioner Joel Njase and Nkulungwe ward Councilor Victor Munthali have confirmed the incident in separate interview to ZANIS in Chinsali today.

Eng. Njase said the incidence occurred between September 1 and yesterday September 2, 2020 at unknown time but was reported to police around 08:00 hours yesterday  morning.

He said that police received a call from Charles Chewe 35, of PotoVillage in Senior Chief Nkulas’ Chiefdom in Shiwang’andu District who reported of a suspected arson case where three people were found burnt to ashes in a small grass thatched house.

Eng. Njase further said Chewe stated that involved in the incident was Nkweto Muteya and her two Children.

Eng. Njase said police will issue more details on the matter in due course. 

“We have received a case of suspected Arson that occurred between yesterday September 1 and today September 2 in Poto village involving a family of three that has been burnt to ashes, ” said Eng. Njase. 

And Nkulungwe Ward Councilor Victor Munthali also told ZANIS that the deceased mother, Nkweto Muteya aged 20, Festus Mwamba 4, and Rebecca Mwamba 2, were discovered dead yesterday morning in a burnt down grass thatched house. 

Councilor Munthali could not also state the cause of the fire.  

“We woke up to a rude shock to discover a family of three burnt to ashes in a grass thatched house,” said Councilor Munthali.

By press time, the three bodies were still lying in a burnt grass thatched house waiting for the arrival of the police.


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