Small-scale miners bank on relief funds
Written by Millennium on August 31, 2020
ARTISANAL and Small-Scale Miners are waiting for funds from Government and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to cushion challenges being faced in the sector amid Covid-19.
Small-Scale Miners Association of Zambia president Kunda Chani said they had already applied for the funds and were anxiously waiting for disbursement so that miners who had been hit badly could enhance operations.
Early this month, Mines and Mineral Development Minister, Richard Musukwa, announced that Government with the UNDP had secured about K730,000 for artisanal and small-scale miners to cushion against challenges during the pandemic period.
Mr Chani said the outbreak of Covid-19 had impacted negatively on the growth of artisanal and small-scale mining businesses, hence the need to help them continue with operations.
In an interview, Mr Chani said the members were optimistic that they would receive the funds.
“This process is moving slowly, but we shall wait until the whole process is finalised. From the time we applied we have not received any communication but we shall continue to wait patiently. We are very confident the funds will be released.
“Once the funds are received we shall see some improvements in operations especially among miners who seriously have been affected,” Mr Chani said.