Shebeens scourge
Written by Millennium on August 18, 2020
MKUSHI District Council has warned defiant pub owners and community members who have resorted to opening up shebeensdespite the escalating of the COVID-19 pandemic and contrary to the law.
In an interview, Public Relations Officer PRO Tamara Mwanza warned that those who will be found wanting will be prosecuted to the courts of laws
Ms. Mwanza said the law will take its course and visit any one not complying with the health guidelines put in place to
Ms. Mwanza said it has come to the attention of the local authority that shebeens were on the increase especially in Itala compound following government closure of pubs to avert the spread of coronavirus.
Ms. Mwanza said people should know that coronavirus was real hence the need to adhere to preventive measures to prevent the spread of the virus.
“We would like to warn the public to desist from this act of doing things that are not supposed to be done.
“The law will take its course and visit anybody who is not adhering to the set measures,” Ms. Mwanza warned.
And Mkushi District Council Public health inspector Lupupa Christine said under the liquor license act cap 11 of 2020 shebeens were not allowed to operate even before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mr. Lupupa said this time there was new guidelines under public health in line with statutory Instrument SI 21and 22 which has prohibited bars to operate, only liquor bottle stores and take away basis.
“So now it is the duty of us as the local authority under public health to enforce the law,” said Mr. Lupupa.
Mr. Lupupa further warned residents who have resorted to brew local beer to refrain from the act as it was hazardous during coronavirus period.