Obtain nrcs to be recognised, zambians urged

Written by on August 12, 2020


GOVERNMENT has urged every Zambian who had attained the age of 16 years to obtain the National Registration Cards (NRCs) for them to be called Zambians and recognised as citizens in their motherland.

Minister of Home Affairs, Stephen Kampyongo said obtaining an NRC was important in that it confirms one to be a Zambian citizen.

Mr Kampyongo said this on Monday when he inspected the ongoing exercise of mobile issuance of NRCs in Luwingu District.

“You cannot claim to be a Zambian citizen if you do not have this national identity card and yet you are above the age of 16 years. 

“Possessing the National Registration Card is confirmation that you are a Zambian citizen so I want all those who have reached the age of 16 years to take this once-in-a-lifetime mobile issuance to get their national registration cards,”Mr Kampyongo said.

The Minister also explained that the Government had decided to engage in the mobile national registration exercise to ensure that every eligible Zambian obtains the NRC as close to them as possible.

He also advised people who lost their national registration cards to take advantage of the exercise and have them replaced so that they could participate in Government programmes aimed at improving their welfare, such as Girls’ Education and Women’s Empowerment and Livelihood under (GWEL) and Farmer Input Support Program (FISP).

“NRCs are not only important during election times. They are equally important for you to participate in and benefit from other various national social empowerment programs including GEWEL, SCT and FISP among others that your government is providing,” Mr Kampyongosaid.

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