Written by Millennium on October 6, 2019
ALLOW me space in your widely read newspaper to add my voice to the challenge of food crisis in some parts of the country as a result of climate change.
I think it is about time we got very serious with some of the statements we make about our own great country.
Leaders and individuals alike have proudly boasted that Zambia is endowed with abundant natural resources and weather conditions.
If indeed we are true to this claim why should some of us rush to Europe to ask for relief food to address food shortages? How long are we going to beg?
Some of the Zambians have been training at the expense of tax payers’ money in the same Europe and instead of applying the knowledge we bought from them all we can do is go back to them and ask for food relief assistance.
We should learn to use what we have available to us before we cry out for help otherwise we will continue to be beggars in the presence of plenty.
We have to learn to think proactively and not embarrassingly rush for help in the face of resource plenty.
You want to challenge me, then go to Northern province and see if you will find dry Luombe and Chambeshi rivers.
They have never and never will run dry and continue to wait for the Zambian them. Talking too much is cheap let us ACT.