What happens when leadership skills are absent?
Written by Millennium on September 8, 2019
Greetings to you all, my brothers and sisters. I am your brother Bishop Edward Mbaso.
My preaching is from Isaiah 3:1-12.
My theme is practical leadership.
What is leadership?
Why leadership?
Who created leadership?
Is leadership in born or is taught?
What happens when leadership skills are absent?
First of all we should know God Jehovah the Almighty is the creator of humanity and leadership in genesis after creating everything else he said let us create a man in our image and likeness when he said ‘let us’, it means leadership is teamwork.
He created man to rule and dominate, meaning leadership comes from our God the Lord.
John 3:16 says “God loved the world and gave his son Jesus to lead us into salvation and eternal life.
Jesus was a spiritual leader to show and make us people into leadership so God’s business is people, and leadership is about people, meaning people are people by people.
Leaders are made by leaders
Leaders are leaders by leaders,
Teachers are made by teachers.
The church depends on true leadership.
A body without a head is a nobody
Churches splits and scandals are often the results of lack of strong leadership
Without the knowledge and skills of leadership your ministry, organisation is going nowhere. Every country depends on its leadership

Have you not seen what happens in places where oppression, injustice, corruption, intimidation, and proliferation of all sorts of evil are?
What do you think gives rise to rebels in Africa and to thousands of our young people in a drug culture in Europe, especially in America where evil is promoted in the name of human rights? God’s rights have been violated. It may be due to the influence of Satan but the major contribution is bad leadership.
The community depends on true leaders with a passion.
No true leader, no progress
No true Godly leadership, no development no blessings.
Every family needs a true leader in a father and mother,
A family becomes poor or rich depending on the parents’ leadership.
Mothers, children, babies are leading the way in homes because fathers have failed and are absent.
The world at large is crying and waiting for true good Godly leaders. Look at our beloved Africa and the lack of development level of poverty.
We can’t build our own roads, why do we need foreign companies to build roads and toilets for us?
Why is there much suffering and sickness in developing countries? It’s because of selfish and bad leadership.
It is not that a black man is cursed or that the African continent is cursed.
The major reason for the state of affairs is the lack of good leaders.
When there is lack of leadership in the church the world over, you will notice lack of development, high levels of poverty, lack of teaching, and lack of knowledge, rebellion and proliferation of sin.
So my dear friends let you and me desire to become one of the few good and true leaders in the world
If you are going to be an effective leader you must study leadership.

A leader is a builder, build a house for your wife and children, build a toilet, build a church, and build something which people in the future will remember you for.
Our first Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda was a good leader because he was a builder. He built Tazama, Tazara Ndola oil refinery, he built roads and schools. Look at the tall buildings in Cairo Road, they were built by Kaunda.
In leadership, you use power with wisdom. A leader pursues excellence.
Excellence in your public and private life, that’s the leadership that matters most.
As a good leader gather people around you, give them hope of for their future and destiny. As a leader, if you can’t read you can’t lead
Praise the Lord brethren and let me conclude with this statement.
Leadership is teamwork and so put up a winning team.
God bless you as you win souls for our Lord Jesus Christ.
I already see a good and true leader in you.

Pastor’s Bio
My name is Edward Mulilo Mbaso
I was born on 27th December 1957.
I started my grade one in 1964 at Burma Road primary school. I did part of my secondary at Kamwala Secondary School. I married my wife Matildah Mwanza in 1975 who is now late who gave me six children, one boy, and 5 girls. Matildah passed on to be with the Lord in 2013. I have 10 grandchildren.
I gave my life to Jesus Christ in 1978. I lived most of my life in Lusaka’s Mtendere Township after the death of my wife.
I was ordained as a Pastor in 1984 and I became full-time Pastor in 1985 in Pentecostal Holiness Church in Mtendere, the branch which I started.
I am a holder of 18 certificates, 2 diplomas,3 degrees in theology.
In 1993, I left Pentecostal Holiness Church after studying in England where I got my first diploma in missions.
I then started Blessed Christ Ministries and I am the Overseer with its headquarters in Mtendere. We have built a 700-sitter church. I also have many other churches around Zambia.
And recently I remarried a powerful woman of God, Susan Nafukwe Mbaso

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