Written by Millennium on August 28, 2019
A GRADE nine pupil of Mazabuka Girls High School, Chileleko Ngoma has advised young girls to take interest mathematics and science subjects.
Speaking in an interview during the National Junior Engineers Technicians and Scientists, (JETS) fair at National Science Centre in Lusaka, Ngoma said many girls were scared of taking up sciences and mathematics because they thought they were meant for boys only.
She said that mathematics and sciences were simple subjects that only needed concentration regardless of gender.
The pupil called on government to come up with deliberate programmes that would encourage more girls to take up science programmes.
Ms Ngoma was displaying her invention of a mosquito repellant using local raw materials at the fair.
She said that she came up with a project because malaria was a killer disease which needed to be prevented but that many people could afford to malaria treatment.
“I am here with a project on how to make mosquito repellant using simple materials. The materials include lemon, garlic and olive. Soak the materials in olive oil for four hours and remove the particles using a strainer. This is then smeared on the body parts to keep away mosquitoes,
“This repellant can help a lot of people. So I am encouraging people to start making this product and I am also encouraging the ministry to take interest in this project as it can save lives,” she said.
And National Science Centre (NSC) assistant director for research and innovation George Chileya said there were eight skills at this year’s JETS fair and that the aim was to open children skills so that society could appreciate what they could do outside classrooms.
Mr Chileya said NSC was trying to tap talent from pupils and make them realize their aptitudes.
Meanwhile another grade seven pupil from Luapula Province Ebenezer Kaunda who has been participating in the event since she was in grade four has called for participation in sciences and mathematics by girls.
Having noted the difficulties that learners faced in solving mathematical problems, she came up with formula that was like a game but solved mathematics in a simple manner.
Ms Kaunda said she came up with the formula when she was in grade four and that since then she has been improving it to the grade it was in.