Written by Millennium on August 26, 2019
THE Bible Gospel Church in Africa (BIGOCA) in Lusaka’s Matero Township has launched a Bible and Theology college called Living Word Bible College (LWBC) under the motto ‘Equipped to Serve’.

The college, which was launched on Saturday, is among other initiatives aimed at training servants of God to spearhead morality.
BIGOCA board chairperson Joseph Banda said the LWBC emanated from the deep desire by members of the board and board of trusties to serve God, especially in the training of servants of God.

Speaking during the launch, BIGOCA presiding overseer Peter Ndlovu said Living LWBC was a combination of different churches, and not only his.
Archbishop Ndlovu said most of the people had lost confidence in the integrity of the current men of God because of their questionable characters.

That had made it necessary to introduce the college to train pastors to serve the people better.
“Seeing that the gospel is not being preached as it should be, many have lost their morality and pastors’ integrity is being questioned,” Archbishop Ndlovu said.
He said the Bible college would help bring sanity where there was no sanity and that the institution had already started with 20 students.

It would grow and spread to other countries as well.
“We are surrounded by many false prophets. They are just prophesying because they need to gain something, but I believe this college will bring sanity in that true prophets will be preaching the Word of God,” he said.
Archbishop Ndlovu Rev. Ndlovu donated 200 books to the library to be used by the students who will be studying at the college so as to thoroughly equip them for the work of the ministry.
The students would be using the Word of God and participate in building up the church and making disciples who would go into the world to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ as the mission stated.
Board chairperson Joseph Banda described the event as a blessing and expressed gratitude to Archbishop Ndlovu and members of the congregation.
Mr Banda said the church was passionate and committed to ensuring LWBC was a global institution, which God would use to equip saints.
“It is this motivation that steered us to set up LWBC so that we can contribute to the equipping of men and women of God who will impact our local communities in Zambia, Africa and beyond with the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ,’’ he said.
He encouraged those who wished to study biblical and theological studies to enroll with Living Word Bible College.
12 “Must Haves” for Surviving College
Getting ready to pack and move off to college is incredibly exciting. And lets be real, you kind of start preparing to move out right after you graduate and get all those awesome presents at your party. You can find an endless number of packing lists online, some of my favorites are from Bed Bath and Beyond or Her Campus. But what are the random things that no one thinks of that are absolutely college must haves to survive?
Good news, I’ve compiled a list for you! So if you’re moving away from home to start your life as a college student, be sure to squeeze these items in the car.
1. An extra set of sheets
One of the college must haves is an extra set of sheets. You never know when someone is going to show up and want to stay the night. An extra set of sheets just might save your futon (or save your guests from your well loved futon). And there’s always a chance that you might spill your SpaghettiOs while doing homework in bed–no one wants to do late-night laundry when they’re tired.
2. A fan…or 4
Very rarely will you have temperature control in your dorm. You aren’t granted the power to turn the furnace or AC on/off. Depending on where you go to college, a fan could potentially save your life. In fact, I’d recommend two. One of those big oscillating or box ones, and then one you can clip to your bed or desk. They even make fancy desk fans you can plus in to a USB port.
3. At least one big microwaveable bowl

What you’ve heard is true–college kids eat a lot of Ramen and soup. I even had nights where there would be 5 of us hanging out in one dorm, each with our own large bowl of noodles. Thus, another college must have is at least one large microwaveable bowl.
Fun fact: You can also make macaroni and cheese in the microwave, but make sure you sneak some milk from the cafeteria if that’s the plan.
4. Noise-canceling headphones
These are 100% a necessity. You’ll need them for studying in the library, coffee shops, dorm rooms, and bus rides.
Invest in a good pair and take care of them. You can use them for de-stressing, meditating, jamming out on the way to class, or lullabies at bedtime. Sometimes you just need to block out the craziness of the world.
5. Cleaning Wipes
Clorox wipes are my go-to for just about everything. You can clean your laptop keyboard, desk, doorknob, or that mystery spill on the floor. They’re quick, easy, and come in giant tubs that last forever. Definitely one of the college must haves.
6. A Coffeemaker
Caffeine is a gift from above. Whether you have morning classes or late-night study sessions, it can be a huge help to have a personal coffeemaker in your dorm room.
7. A big lamp
Dorm rooms are notorious for having terrible lighting. If you want to save your eyes, make sure you get a lamp for your room.
8. A mini toolkit
A quick way to make friends is to have a toolkit. You never know when you’re going to need a screwdriver–and that cute co-ed down the hall might need help assembling something.
9. A surplus of school and office supplies

And by surplus, I mean piles. We’re talking pens, pencils, highlighters, those fancy little tabs to stick on textbook pages, a 3-hole puncher, a regular-size stapler and a mini one to throw in your backpack, paper, notebooks, binders, dividers, report covers, etc.
10. An umbrella
Yep–it rains. Don’t be the poor soul stuck in a downpour with your laptop in your not-waterproof backpack. Be cool. Carry an umbrella with you every-where.
11. A pile of pillows and blankets
You never know when unexpected guests will arrive, or when friends decide to crash during an all-nighter. If you like to study on the floor or in your bed, a few extra pillows and blankets will come in handy.
12. Your calculator
It might sound strange, but even history majors need a calculator for college. You’ll be taking at least one math and science class, so chances are you’ll need that fancy TI-84 to work some statistical magic.
SOURCE: collegeraptor