Written by Millennium on August 20, 2019
THE Zambia Body Building and Fitness Federation (ZBBFF) has appealed to Government to consider extending financial support to other sporting disciplines.
ZBBFF general secretary Chimuka Hamabele said that his federation had been performing well but lacked finances to participate in international tournaments.
Hamabele told the Sun sport said ZBBFF had been fending for itself to meet its operational costs such fulfilling tournaments out of Zambia.
He said he was alive to the fact that government had challenges with financial resources having met with the sports council acting general secretary Raphael Mulenga.
Hamele said there was need for the Ministry of sport to also consider supplementing federations that always financed themselves.
“We had a meeting with the National Sports Council of Zambia(NSCZ) acting general secretary last week where we appealed to council to consider helping our federation with funds, but he made it clear to us that Government has financial challenges at the moment,’’
“But all the same Government needs to consider looking at Federations that have been fending for themselves but are performing very well like us who have been producing champions,” Hamabele said.
The ZBBFF have this month had two international engagements with the first being an invitation to Zimbabwe called the Malume Classic which was held on August 17.
It sent four participants who all managed to clinch top six finish and overall performances.
Hamabele said that his federation had another international competition in Angola, the African championship in which top body builder Sylvester Mwila emerged champion in his category held on August 10.
Reigning Zambia iron man Clement Shamboko finished second in his category while Joseph Mwale was in number four in the 90kg’s category.
Hamebele noted that with such performances, his federation had continued to post impressive results but resources limitation was hampering his athlete’s participation in international competitions.