Written by Millennium on August 19, 2019
THE baby who was born on board a Power Tools bus on Tuesday last week has been granted a free life ticket on Power Tools Logistics buses.
Owner and chief executive officer Mbachi Nkwanzi announced on Saturday last week in Luanshya the company had granted the baby boy a free life ticket on all its buses as long as the company continues to operate.
The company handed over clothes and other items worth K10,000 and another K2,500 cash to the baby’s family.
Power Tools manager Jerry Chirwa, who presented the items, named the baby Mapalo, which means blessings.
Mpongwe District of Commissioner Keith Maila also donated assorted items worth K1,000 to Blessings (Mapalo) Chikaba’s family and commended Power Tools Logistics Bus Company for maintaining high standards of safety on board.
He commended the company for having well stocked first-aid kits in their buses, which the nurse was using to conduct a safe delivery on board.
Last week Exhilda Chikaba, a woman of Luanshya, gave birth on a Power Tools bus bound for Mongwe.
A nurse who was on board had to attend to her as she put to bed a bouncy baby boy between Kapiri Mposhi and Mpongwe.
The mother and the newborn were both rushed to Mpongwe Mission Hospital where they received professional care.