Written by Millennium on August 17, 2019
Scores of Chirundu drivers have turned up to get their drivers licences following directives by the minister of Transport and Communications Mutotwe Kafwaya that RTSA should start printing and giving out the cards to the applicants.
Many drivers spoke to expressed gratitude over the development.
Mr Lazarus Mulenga a taxi driver welcomed the move by government as he said moving with A4 paper provisional licence was inconveniencing and embarrassing.
Mr Mulenga said RTSA was a very important institution to government because of the important services it provided to the nation.
He however expected RTSA officers to be partial and neutral during this period because there was a load of work that needed to be cleared.
He also thanked and congratulated Mr Kafwaya for putting in place a board and hoped that RTSA services would greatly improve.
Another driver Alice Mwale also urged the RTSA officers not to waste time for its clients but should be committed to their work.
She observed that RTSA had taken long to print out drivers licences as he backlog stretched from as far as 2017.
She hoped that RTSA offices would remain open even during weekends to clear the backlog.
Meanwhile RTSA Chirundu station manager Mr Mukuzo Ngwane revealed that his office was equal to the task.