Abusive wife loses her marriage of 13 years
Written by Millennium on August 14, 2019
AN abusive wife has been divorced in the Chelstone Local Court by her husband because she is too abusive and assaults him on many occasions.
Lweendo Kaala, 43, of Meanwood sued his wife Besa Mulenga, 37 of the same area for divorce because she was abusive and violent.
Kaala told senior magistrate Charity Milambo that his wife always rushed to grab his wallet and phone whenever they had a misunderstanding in the home.
The couple married in 2006, they have three children together.
“In 2018 I told my wife that I wanted to get a second wife and she became too angry with my decision and physically abusive too and she used to tell me to answer calls from outside,
“Later on I decided to end the relationship with the said woman hoping to make peace and mend my marriage but she kept reminding me of the past,’’ he said.
He said recently Mulenga assaulted him four times after a misunderstanding he only reported two of them to the police.
“Every time we quarrel she runs to get my wallet and my phone. I once came here for divorce but we resolved our problems because promised to change,
“Recently she chased me from the house for no apparent reasons, and grabbed everything from me including my car and accused me of flirting with another woman. She almost reached to the extent of undressing me in the street after she pulled my pants down,” he said.
Kaala said he was of the opinion that Mulenga was only interested in material things and had become too violent for his life.
In defence Mulenga said problems started in 2017 when he was transferred to Chipata for work and went alone.
She said suddenly she noticed a change in his behavior, adding that everything about him changed completely.
“I asked if I could visit him in Chipata and he refused and told me openly that he has been living with another woman. I got upset because he told me he wanted to marry her and that he loves her so much,
“He is currently in touch with the same woman although he claims to be a changed man. He communicates with her more than 10 times a day, and he usually goes out for four days to see her and still claims she is just a friend who broke up a long time,
“I chased him from the house because I was so annoyed and now he is staying with the same woman, I still love my husband and I don’t want divorce,’’ she said.
The matter was then adjourned to a later date for further hearing