Chirundu SDA committed to evangelizing
Written by Millennium on July 31, 2019
Some committed members of Pambazana Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) church in Chirundu have vowed to continue preaching the Word of God in the area.
Church administrator Mr Francise Munsanje said despite the numerous challenges it was facing, members should continue evangelizing through preaching the gospel to those that were still indulging in sinful activities.

He was speaking when some members from different towns gathered and fellowshipped together at Pambazana SDA main church in Ng’ombe Ilede ward of Chipepo chiefdom in Chirundu district on Saturday.
Mr Munsanje explained to the visitors that the church was facing a number of challenges such as lack of benches while the building had no proper windows for good ventilation and was without electricity.
He said the church had no finances to address all the challenges and appealed to well-wishers to help them have a better-looking church.
He explained that when the church board sat down in a meeting they agreed to buy 50 benches and each of them cost K250 and brought the total cost to K12,500 which it could not afford.
And visiting pioneer Mr. Alfred Ngoma gave a brief history of the church that was established in 1986 and was happy to see that the church was still growing in membership.
Mr. Ngoma called on the church leadership to continue evangelizing through preaching the gospel to those that were still indulging in sinful activities.
He encouraged them to continue being committed in the works of the Lord for there were many people out there in need of the gospel.
And speaking at the same gathering Pambazana SDA church treasurer Barka Manchisi thanked all the visiting members for committing themselves to contribute some money amounting to K7570 towards the procurement of church benches despite the economic hardships and assured to put the money to good use.
And chairman for the reunion of the visiting members Mr. Sydney Ngoma has called on the church board to use the money for its intended purpose of buying benches and should not divert it for other projects.
Mr. Ngoma has assured them that the reunion members have pledged and committed themselves to be helping the church in all its developmental projects after consulting the church board.
Meanwhile, Church elder and Chirundu district council chairman Mr. Robison Sianduba also thanked the reunion members for the gesture and encouraged them to pray without ceasing.