Anti-social wife divorced
Written by Millennium on May 17, 2019
A MAN of Garden has divorced his anti-social wife of 7 years at the Boma Local Court because she does not talk to him and his relatives and prefers to watch TV the whole day.
Clifford Machimba Senior Local Court Magistrate Peggy Nyambe that he married Jennifer Siyame, of the same area in 2012 and towards the end of the same year, problems started after she mistreated his father.
Machimba said his wife did not prepare breakfast for him and preferred to stay in bed until well over 09:00hrs.
“When I try to say anything, we will argue. One time she didn’t even talk to me for a month. She is not social in the house.
In defence Ms Siyame told the court that she was very shocked to have been brought to court by her husband for divorce.
“From the time I came back from school we have been staying well. We’ve had problems before but recently we have just been staying well,” she said.
She then told the court that problems started when a heavily pregnant woman came to their home to look for her husband.
“She came home with her sister and asked to see my husband who wasn’t home that time. She told me my husband was the father of the child she was expecting and that he even paid some money to her family in preparation for marriage,” Ms Siyame said.
She admitted that her husband took her to college, adding that although she wanted to be a day scholar, he forced her to be in boarding.
“One time when I was at school I received a call from a woman I did not know who informed me that there was a woman who goes to my home every day. She cleans and cooks for my husband and that she even went with my husband to church,” Ms Siyame said.
She also said that once she secretly followed her husband and caught him red handed in the bedroom of the same woman who had denied knowing him.
The court found that there were extra marital affairs that led to communication breakdown and failure of the marriage.
Divorce was granted and Mr Machimba was ordered to finish paying for Ms Siyame’s college fees as compensation.