Solwezi to have fast-track court

Written by on April 13, 2019


SOLWEZI Municipal Council plans to establish a fast track court to deal with issues such as street vending, illegal liquor selling and other many acts of public nuisance.
Assistant public relations officer Esther Chirwa said the council was set to ensure statutory regulations were not broken for the good of residents.
Ms Chirwa said the fasttrack court was set to be sitting on Fridays to hear cases of various nuisances such as street vending, liquor licencing, and public health offences among others.
In a statement Ms Chirwa said the municipality had concluded discussions with the judiciary over the establishment of the fast track court.
“The Council has concluded talks with the judiciary over the fast track court which will ensure statutory regulations in street vending, liquor licencing, public health are not broken,” she said.
She said furniture for the court had already been procured and the municipality was in the processes of assembling it.

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