Chirundu police flush out criminals
Written by Millennium on April 13, 2019
POLICE and other security wings at the weekend swung into action and raided Chirundu’s Gabon, Chibucketi and Christian compounds to flush out criminals who have been reigning terror in the area.
The residents have since commended police for their action following increased reports of thefts, drug dealing and other crimes in the community.
A resident of high cost area Mr. Cele Chola has appreciated the police raid and advised other members of the community to co-operate and work with the police in order to protect lives and property .
Mr Chola said the police who have since intensified night patrols in the area deserved commendation as in the recent past they had come under severe criticism from members of public for inertia to deal with crime.
“ In the recent past people condemned and castigated the police that they are not working and accused them of not intensifying night patrols because they saw an upswing of thefts and attacks especially at night,” said Mr Chola
People complained of drug dealing in marijuana among small boys, attacks on people, house and car breakings, theft of gadgets such as phones and laptops.
Mr. Chola has also warned some landlords who were in a habit of just collecting money from their tenants of dubious character.
He has further advised the community not to tolerate thieves in their communities but instead report them to the police.
And a resident Mr. Cuthbert Mweemba said police should be encouraged to conduct more raids and intensify patrols so that people could sleep peacefully.
Last Saturday, two suspected criminals in Chirundu sustained gunshot wounds after police shot at them as they attempted to escape a dragnet in which ten suspects were arrested.
Acting police spokesperson Danny Mwale named the injured suspects as Barton Nkhoma of Gabon Township, who was shot in the pelvis.
Meanwhile, a senior resident Dickson Kalumanda has called on government departments in Chirundu district to consistent in conducting inspections in fighting crime.
Mr. Kalumanda said it would not help anyone if inspections were only done when a calamity occurred or after people rioted and destroyed property