Filthy Lusaka council toilets anger residents

Written by on March 25, 2019


SOME residents of Lusaka have expressed disappointment at how fee-paying toilets owned by the Lusaka City Council (LCC) are run in the capital.

The residents talked to by the Sun said that it was high time the council promoted hygiene in the city by ensuring that the toiles were clean.

One of the concerned residents Michelo Maila said it was shocking that people had continued to use dirty toilets in the city because LCC could not be bothered.

“It is a source of concern that we have continued to use dirty toilets despite paying for them. It is disappointing to note that council toilets that we feel are supposed to be the cleanest are the dirtiest,” Me Maila said.

Ms. Maila complained that the toilets that people paid K2 to use were not pleasing and not worth paying for.

She said that the toilets were used by many people from all walks of life including marketeers and bus operators and that using such dirty toilets was a health risk.

Another resident, Maureen Dube wondered if the toilets had managers running them to ensure that they were kept clean all the time and free from vandalism.

 “There is need for the council to sensitise the managers who run these facilities in the communities on the need to uphold the highest sanitary standards before waterborne diseases break out,” Ms. Dube said.

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